Tim & Samire

Our Story

February 2014 who knew but God  that a forever love was in creation. A friend of a friend said I think you two would be perfect for each other. We both were focused on our careers and not a relationship. The Facebook conversation was intriguing enough to do a meet up. As we both were very skeptical about getting into a relationship!
Samire was on her knees and praying to God that if he is not the man( husband ) you sent for me please interfere with this date. Tim was praying for no more dramatic relationships.
The meet up at Casey's Pub was a success and history has been made from that point on...
We talked for hours getting to know each other and at times falling asleep on the phone. I knew he was going to be my husband. I felt that from the beginning. However, just because God put two people together it doesn't mean there won't be trials and tribulations. We have been through the fire but we have made it out. Honestly we were both at our breaking points many times and the 7 years.....
In October 2021 we got engaged on our very first cruise. During his birthday dinner I was surprising him with a cake and he surprised me with a ring. I almost fell down to my knees I was totally caught off guard; my legs buckled when I stood up. All I could say was that God is good and his timing was perfect. As you can gather I said YES!!!

When God joins two people together nothing can break it apart. We will continue to put God first to the end. We are so excited for all the lessons learned and people who helped us on this journey so far....

Dress Code

The guest dress code for the celebration will be cocktail Caribbean colors.



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